Captain Michio and Future of the World..

-Captain Michio and Future of the  World-

New York

In 2020, the word "computer" will disappear from English, physics Michio Kaku predicts. Every 18 months, double computer power, it is recorded, so in eight years, the microchip will be charged only a penny. Instead of a desktop chip in, we will have millions of chips in all of our property: furniture, cars, appliances, clothing. Chips will be so at any of that "we will not say the word 'computer'," prophesied Mr. Kaku, a professor of theoretical physics at City College of New York. "We will only reverse the situation on."

Mr. Kaku, who is 65, enjoys making predictions. In his latest book, "The Future of Chemistry", released in Anchor paperback in February, it predicted driverless cars in 2020 and synthetic organ in 2030. If that sounds strange arrangement, Mr. Kaku understand that skepticism. "If you can meet your grandchildren as elderly in the year 2100," he offered, "you will see it as, basically, the Greek god." Nonetheless, he said, "the direction in which we,"-and it was worried that the U.S. will fall behind in the onrush of technology.

To understand the world we are entering, consider other words that will be lost absent ". Tumor" "We will have a DNA chip in our toilet, which will be some blood and urine samples and let us know if we have cancer may be 10 years before a design tumor, "said Mr. Kaku. When you need to go to the doctor, you will be talking to a wall in your home, and "a doctor, artificial intelligent animation will appear." You will scan your body with hand-held MRI machine, "Robodoc" will analyze the results, and you will receive "99 percent accurate diagnosis."

In this case "Augmented reality," as Mr. Kaku said it, the internet will be your contact lenses. "You will blink, and you will go online," he said. "That will change everything." Students will find answers on tests when taking them. Actors will cheat from their scripts while performing onstage. Foreigners would translate their conversations with the natives at all. Job seekers will identify "who sucked up at a cocktail party" secretly. And President Obama "will never have teleprompters in front of him," she joked.

Although this gadget seems light years away, Mr. Kaku asserts that they "came very, very quickly." Army already has a prototype of contact lenses called "Land Warrior." In 2010, he tried to shoot when specific devices for Science channel, where they appear regularly. Land Warrior helmet with eye lens that allows users to see the entire battlefield. "You see friendly forces, enemy forces, artillery, planes, everything," said Mr. Kaku, "only to flick to the bottom right of your eyes."

When he described the crystalline lens, Mr. Kaku on my friends through his hands . We sat in the room from the lobby as well as his high-rise overlooking the Hudson River. With silver gray hair, threw back his ears, he made his shot to illustrate his points. And he laughed continuously. Despite the success of his passion for knowledge, they also find humor in failure.

Download the paperless office. Futurists predict that computers would make paper obsolete. Now, however, we use more paper than ever. Techies ignored what Mr. Kaku calls "Caveman Principle": ". Personality we do not change over 100,000 years, since modern humans emerged from Africa," the fact that scholars like high technology, "but the man who likes to cave high touch," he explains. "People do not feel comfortable with all the electrons on their PC screen." With a flip of the switch, the electrons missing, feared our inner cave. "We want hard copy."

However, Mr. Kaku is bullish on the prospects of mankind. Driven by advances in nanotechnology, artificial intelligence and biotechnology, we will be fully global civilization in the year 2100, he predicted: "The language is English planet Internet will become the European Union telephone system planets and large trading blocs will be economic planetary ball .. Olympic soccer will be sporting Gucci and Chanel .. planet will become high fashion youth culture of the planet and the planet would be a Rock 'N Roll' and rap .. "

Mr. Kaku has been exploring the limits of physics since childhood. When he was eight years old, Albert Einstein died, and the public reaction to pass through the physical "with Whitney Houston as great as dying," he remembered. In the midst of riots, he heard that Einstein had failed to solve the largest employment: individuals, inch long equation that would include the laws of physics. Einstein hoped that this theory including all will explain how the universe works. Fascinated by the idea, Mr. Kaku decided to take the place it left off.

To understand the universe, physicists must first find out what it is made of. "We need to write down all the books," told Mr. Kaku, "because 10 years ago they all say the universe is primarily made of atoms We now know that it is wrong .." In fact, atoms make only 4% of the universe. The other 96% consists of dark material and dark energy, two mysterious substances very little is known.

Moreover, the standard model of physics is complete, the theory behind the particle. They now know there are not only three types of particles-protons, neutrons and electrons-but, and thousands of them. Physics in Geneva near the last to find the particle they need to solve the model, the Higgs Boson. Using a whisk atom Large Hadron Collider called humongous, they spend their days shooting ray protons into each other and examine what comes out.

Mr. Kaku believes that researchers will be looking for Higgs at the end of the year. The next purpose was to make the dark matter. And eventually, they hope to nail down what dark energy is consistent. When calculating the amount of dark energy in the universe, current theory does not produce estimates that are active in the 10,120. "It was the largest ever clash between theory and experiment in the history of physics," admits Mr. Kaku, laughing. "This is very embarrassing."

Who is also a shame is that the U.S. falls behind its competitors in scientific research. Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland for Congress to cancel the development of much larger atomic whisk us, the Super Collider a superconductor, in 1993. In addition, we study the combination of many nuclear laboratories are closing, while France plans to open a combination of a nuclear reactor in 2019. Finally, the U.S. space program guides small to China. "In 2025, do not be surprised if China placed the flag on the moon," warned Mr. Kaku.

And woe to the people who have lost sight of. English as a world empire pioneered steam power in the 19th century, Mr. Kaku tells. In 1920, however, English is self-starting. British industry lost focus on technology development, to strengthen the country's status as a world power declined. "And who took over Germany.?" German scientists split the atom and developed the core of the astronauts. "So the end of the spear in the art of shifting from English into German with catastrophic results" in World War II, Mr. Kaku concludes.

Now, he said, the U.S. lost the edge because we do not produce enough scientists. "Fifty percent of physics Ph.D. was born in a foreign land, and they are here compliments of the H1-B visa," related Mr. Kaku. "There is brain drain to the United States; that is why we are No 1 But it can not last forever .." China and India are slowly win back their original inhabitants, while the best students we avoid the hard sciences for lucrative careers in areas such as investment banking.

"I do not hate investment banking," said Mr. Kaku, "but like a massage money from creating money. If you are in physics, you make a discovery, you make a laser, you make transistors, computers, GPS." If you are an investment banker, on the other hand, "you do not make something new you simply massage other people's money and take a cut .."

This is a shame, because Mr. Kaku believes that human beings are natural born scientists. "When we are born, we wanted to know why the stars shine We want to know why the sun rises .." But then we have the "in danger" for young people: high school. "And we lost them by the millions, literally by millions Why? This is a combination of a bad teacher and inspiration is not there .."

After the Soviet Union launched Sputnik in 1957, Mr. Kaku's hobby into a call: "This great national outrage that the Russians were beating us left and right is your patriotic duty to be a physicist .." Today, unfortunately, as there is no catalyst for our students: "This is all going." Mr. Kaku has spent his life trying to fill the vacancy: "'. When Sputnik" I want to inspire young people to have "

Despite fears that the country is losing the edge, Mr. Kaku can not optimistic. New last month, scientists announced that they have discovered a planet that is very likely to have oceans of liquid (and thus potential life) 22 light-years from Earth. He predicted that in this century, we will find evidence that "we not only game in town."

In short, the physics will continue to push the boundaries of knowledge forward, the U.S. is in the lead. Mr. Kaku just hope we will not allow ourselves to fall too far behind.

Mr. Bolduc, a former Robert L. Bartley fellow at the Journal, is the association for the National Review editorial.

News computer technology..

-News about our technology-

A user now will steer a photo gallery, send SMS, and placing a call, all with friction movement made a few inches in front of the device. These two features of pause and play controls using the music player was arrested a second motion.

Current mobile devices in all front facing camera. Some upcoming Android-based devices expected to have Tek Touch Free. Free Touch solution implemented in software rather than using specific types of cameras, so it must be a good rate on your mobile phone to come. The others are new devices, such as Android-based tablet and music players.

Technology has seeped into every aspect of our lives today. And to follow the latest new technology becomes more and more important in today's scenario. If you are in the field of information technology, you should be aware of the latest trends in technology. To be in the mainstream means for monitoring at each technology related news. What is Linux, Solaris or Windows operating system, or it is a complex technology such as virtualization, you must have a clear understanding of each new technology. Articles about new technology and news about the latest technology can help people to make their way into the complex maze of new computer technology. Each day a giant TI released a new patch from the software and new software every two weeks recently issued based on a radical new technology. The buzzing of the latest technologies such as Microsoft Lucidtouch, Sun Solaris have become must know technology matters.

Some of the latest technology that will revolutionize their respective fields are

1) Taptu. Search for the iPhone contact search engine friendly and allows to search the web easily? Taptu may be the answer. Taptu is a mobile search engine which has just released the iPhone version can be downloaded from the Apple App Store for free.The new search engine user friendly and fast. According to the Taptu blog, has more than 3 million web sites currently in the index.

2) Opera Unite. Opera has launched a new technology that can transform your PC into a personal web server running on the web browser Opera. Server that can be used to share everything from music files with other computers on the web without the need for a 3rd party application. Called Opera Unite, the technology has just released and promises to make your computer more that just a dumb terminal.

These are just two of the technologies coming our way at the speed of light.
As coordinator of the online think tank, I took about 50 technology e-mail newsletter, many of them everyday, but most of the weekly and lately they have been filled by none other than Apple's latest technology or their exploitation in the market. Believe it or not people have more Apple technology. Private technology sector is one of the many sub-sector technology category. Some military technology, space technology, alternative energy technology, automotive technology, and there are millionaires-pulse, biotechnology, and aerospace technology.

Not long ago, I discussed this with one contact me, on more than 40,000 Apple iPhone applications, and all the new applications come forward for the new iPad.

Jane Uche-Nwakile Ebele is bereinkarnasi old soul in this life as the grandson of Peter's final head Nwakile Nwanolude "Ichie Ezenwaka" from Eastern Nigeria. Born at age Disco, Afros and Bellbottoms, it grows with the works of Achebe, Nwapa, Okigbo, Senghor, Brutus, Tagore, Shakespeare, Neruda, Yeats and Gibran. His poetry has been published in books and magazines such as The Leaves gemerisik, A Celebration of Poets.

LG Apex 2012 : Promises High Performance!

-LG Apex 2012 : Promises High Performance  technology-

There is no blind topicality that LG received for the trust and the ability gadget set. And pattern of recent policy of LG Apex accuracy is very different anchored by acute oz buzz. It runs on Android OS, V2.1 (Eclair) and CPU received: 600 MHz ARM 11 processor, Adreno 200 GPU, Qualcomm MSM7627 chipset. LG mobile phones come within the scope of adult glass from 116 x 56 x 16 mm and weighs slightly from 158 g. These are actual artifacts accessible air performance promises to receive hi-tech appearance and business applications.

To change this abstract embedded with 3G, BLUE-TOOTH, WLAN and USB. Consists of ultra attractive TFT capacitive touchscreen 3.2-inch, 256 thousand colors with admeasurement tent from 480 x 800 pixels. In addition to containing abundant QWERTY keyboard, accelerometer sensor and Touch-sensitive controls. You can abundance added abstract and abstract important you carefully on this phone because is equipped with 100 MB storage carrying anamnesis, 256 MB RAM, 512 MB ROM full of upto 16 GB with micro SD card opening application.

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while it's down,New Apple iPad kicks PC industry..

-while it's down New Apple iPad kicks PC industry-

With the opening of the new Apple iPad on Wednesday, PC makers should accelerate efforts to protect the tablet from taking a piece of their business.
Several top players have been struggling PC.

Hewlett-Packard, the world's largest PC maker, saw its profits plunge in first quarter of fiscal 2012 as customers, and even companies, have a closer look at change or add a tablet PC with a cold.
Now Apple has raised its stake in the new iteration of the world's most popular tablet.

"This Tablet PC and the company cut selling PC really will not have a strong response to Windows 8 ships this year. So they have every reason to be concerned," said Rob Enderle, an analyst at the Enderle Group.

"[Tablet] clearly had a sharp effect on [PC] growth. Although they do not really replace the PC, people who buy the iPad usually defer buying a new PC, and more frightening. Is that when they buy, they seem to trend towards Apple products, "Enderle added.

During the opening ceremony Wednesday in San Francisco, Apple's office says the new iPad will be much faster than its predecessor and has a higher screen resolution.

PC makers like HP, Dell and Lenovo should be drooling with envy on good products and purchase advance fever that comes before and after the event yesterday.

PC market can use the shot in the arm as PC growth continued to slow down. In the third quarter of 2011, for example, the overall PC market grew by only 5.5%, according to a report from iSuppli IHS.

HP PC collected during the fall and selling printer last month revealed that the gains anjlok 44% in the quarter ended January 31, and Dell says first quarter profit declined by 18%.

Industry analysts say it will take much work for HP to get back to the center. "The tablet is part of the pain but only a small part of HP," said Charles King, an analyst at the pund-IT, Inc. "Two plus years of chaos in the leadership is a more fundamental problem."

While analysts generally agree that most of the HP wounds inflicted, the popularity of the tablet like the iPad will not help the leader PC or convince its traditional rival to refocus on the laptop and desktop computers.

"Tablet PCs are influential in business, sure, but mainly not clear at all," said Dan Olds, an analyst at Gabriel Co., Ltd.. "For most consumers iPad, iPad not only their computing devices.

"IPad is a new category," added Olds. "This is more than a smartphone but not enough this laptop can not handle the same duties as full-featured laptop. But for many it is a perfect tool."

Although the tablet can not completely replace full-featured laptop with a larger screen, more power and a full size keyboard, they will interfere with users' attention and money from a business PC, Olds said.

The new Intel-based Ultrabooks appearing en masse in the Consumer Electronics Show earlier this year is a potential response to the tablet, Olds notes.

"I think Ultrabook effort is a step in the right direction," said Olds.

"The system offers many advantages iPad -. Small size, fast boot time, and long-lasting battery They also have features that iPads not, like the ability to use a large number of x86 PC software and the ability to store more files on your local system , "he added.

"For business users," Olds said, "The addition of a normal keyboard usually also seen as an advantage. Primary obstacle to Ultrabooks possible prices, which hover near U.S. $ 1,000."

Ultrabooks also a problem for PC makers. Although they may attack the tablet market, they can also cannibalize laptop.

The analysts noted that PC makers will have to compete aggressively with tablet makers to build a lightweight mobile devices is very strong, can run the most demanding consumer software, and offers long-lasting battery.

"Mobility seems to be a major driving force in the PC and notebook development, so the lightweight, powerful machine equipped with a next-gen Intel and AMD CPU will remain constant," said King.

"Touch-screen technology in concert with the Microsoft Windows 8 may be a game-changer and all in all., 2012 and 2013 are formed to be an exciting year for the PC," added King.

To Stop iPad Sales,China's Proview Warns Dealers !

-To Stop iPad Sales,China's Proview Warns Dealers -

Chinese company signs challenging the use of Apple iPad has demanded the termination of the sales and distribution devices in China, just like Apple launched the latest version of the popular tablet computer.

Shenzhen Technology PROVIEW issue a request in a open letter to the seller iPad China and traders, threatening "severe measures" against the infringement of trademarks.

Letter in a local newspaper reported Thursday, said that every use of "iPad" or similar trademark is infringement of the exclusive rights PROVIEW. PROVIEW said to be taking "the most severe measures" including the pursuit of civil and criminal responsibility.

It is unclear whether the letter would be deployed on the authority of any iPad seller in China. PROVIEW, a producer who suffered financial difficulties from computer monitors and LED lighting, has been lobbying local commercial power to attract iPads from the shelves, with success in several cities.

Apple launched the latest version of the iPad on Wednesday in the U.S., describes the new features but not the names, like "iPad 3" or "HD iPad."

Cupertino, California-based Apple said it bought worldwide rights to trademarks iPad from PROVIEW year 2009. PROVIEW view the sale does not include trademarks of mainland China. China is considering a court appeal by Apple from the previous decision on a claim for trade mark.

Apple has no comment on the PROVIEW open letter. States stressed its position that the PROVIEW reject, in China, to honor an agreement with Apple to sell the registered trademark rights throughout the world for the iPad.

Chinese media reports, meanwhile, said the bank is a group of eight lenders have announced they are holding PROVIEW trademarks iPad ownership.

Other major lenders, based in Taiwan, Fubon Insurance, reportedly trying to have PROVIEW declared bankruptcy. However, PROVIEW said in a notice Wednesday to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the courts in urban China, where it is headquartered pailit not accept every application on it.

Court office has refused to comment on this problem.

PROVIEW shares were suspended from trading since August 2, 2010.

Company Data Technologies (UDT) In one of the first multi-purpose capability Intel Spread New Data Center..

-Company Data Technologies (UDT) In one of the first multi-purpose capability Intel Spread New Data Center-

Company Data Technologies (UDT) will lead in changing the modern data center that is between the first integrator for Intel multi-purpose (R) Xeon (R) processor family E5-2600/1600 product, designed to meet the diverse and demanding requirements of current computing environment this.

This new family of Intel server processors enable UDT to get greater value for customers by helping to reduce data center costs and complexity, and by using automation to improve service, efficiency, and agility.

"We see again how Intel continues to exceed the competition and provide innovation in data centers with Intel Xeon processors E5-2600/1600. For our customers, demand for more processing power, efficiency, development of more and more services are increasing at an unprecedented level. Fortunately, with Intel, UDT can continue to help our customers achieve more, "said Daniel Rodriguez, CTO and VP of Technology Services.

Even for the most demanding computing environments, Intel Xeon processor family of products E5-2600/1600 (1) gives the optimum combination of performance, built-in capability, and cost effectiveness. This processor is designed to meet the growing needs of data centers with performance up to 80 percent higher (2) from the previous processor generations, and improve energy efficiency, offer more cores, more cache, and memory capacity increased.

Intel Xeon processor family of products features E5-2600/1600 second generation Intel (R) Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 (5), which provides greater speed when needed for peak workload. Other features additional performance, Intel (R) Advanced Vector Extensions (Intel (R) AVX), you can improve performance (6) in an application using the floating point or vector calculations. To maintain the most productive core processors, Intel (R) Data Direct I / O technology enables direct data transfer from storage to cache, directly transfer data to any required and improve the performance of I / O to 2.3 times (7).

Intel Xeon processor family of products E5-2600/1600 get more performance value from every watt using enhanced Intel (R) Intelligent Power Technology (8) for an optimal balance between performance and energy consumption. And, Intel (R) Data Center Manager is connected to the existing management framework so that IT staff can monitor and manage power and status terms for each server or double.

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(1) Intel processor numbers are not measures of performance. Processor numbers differentiate features within each processor family, not on a different processor families. See / products / processor_number for details.

(2) Source: Performance comparison using SPECfp * _rate_base2006 benchmark. Baseline score of 267 in 2V previous generation Intel (R) Xeon (R) processor X5690 (3.46 GHz, 6 cores, 12MB L3, 6.4 GT / s, 130W)-based platform based on the best published scores for as date of 6 September 2011. For more details, please see: 486 new score at 2V Intel (R) Xeon (R) processor E5-2690 (2.90 GHz, 8 cores, 20MB L3, 8.0 GT / s, 135W)-based platform based on Intel internal measured as the estimated date of 6 September 2011 using the Intel (R) Platform Rose City with two Intel (R) Xeon (R) processor E5-2690, Turbo Enabled, Enabled eist, Hyper-Threading Enabled, 64 GB memory (8 x 8GB DDR3-1600), Red Hat * Linux Enterprise Server 6.1 beta for x86_6, Intel (R) Compiler 12.1.

(5) Intel (R) Turbo Boost Technology requires the platform with Intel (R) Turbo Technology Upgrading. Intel (R) Turbo Technology Improving performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration. Check with your platform manufacturer on whether your system provides Intel (R) Turbo Boost Technology. For more information, see

(6) Source: Intel (R) Xeon (R) processor E5-2600 family of products supports the Intel (R) Advanced Vector Extension (Intel (R) AVX), which increases the maximum vector size of 128-256 bits, until the two-time employment can achieve a clock cycle for floating point and vector operations versus a draw (R) Intel Xeon (R) processor 5600.

(7) Source: The claim to 2.3x the performance of I / O based on Intel internal measurement that compares the 1-socket SNB data to test port forwarding using 8x10 GbE L2 to (R) Xeon Intel (R) processor E5-2600 family of products versus radiance ( R) Intel Xeon (R) processor 5600.

(8) Intel (R) Intelligent Power Technology requires a computer system with a processor (R) enabled Intel chipset, BIOS and for some features, an operating system allows for it. Function or other benefits may vary depending on hardware implementation and may require a BIOS and / or update the operating system. Please check with your system vendor for details.

(9) Intel (R) AES-NI requires a computer system with AES-NI processor is activated, as well as non-Intel software to carry out the instructions in the right order. AES-NI found on the Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-600 series desktop processors, Intel (R) Core (TM) i7-600 series mobile processors, and Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-500 processor mobile draws. For availability, contact the vendor or system manufacturer. For more information, see ~ ~ V

(10) There is no computer system can provide absolute security in all circumstances. Intel (R) Trusted Execution Technology is a security technology developed by Intel and requires for operation a computer system with Intel (R) Virtualization Technology, Intel (R) Trusted Execution Technology-enabled processor, chipset, BIOS, validated code module, and Intel or compatible measured virtual machine monitor. In addition, Intel (R) Trusted Execution Technology requires the system to contain TPMv1.2 as defined by the Trusted Computing Group and specific software for some applications. See for more information.

Performance and competitive information correct at time of publication of the documents. For information on the latest competitive and performance, visit / performance.

Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors. Performance tests, such as SYSmark and MobileMark, are measured using specific computer systems, components, software, operations and functions. Each change to each of these factors can lead to different results. You should consult other tests and performance information to help you fully evaluate the purchase of your thought, including product performance when combined with other products.

Performance tests and levels were measured using specific computer systems and / or division and reflect the estimated performance of Intel products as measured by the test. Each difference in system hardware or software design or configuration may affect actual performance. Buyers should consult other sources of information to evaluate the performance of the system or they are considering purchasing. For more information on performance tests and on the performance of Intel products, visit / performance / resources / limits.htm or call (U.S.) or 1-800-628-8686 1-916-356-3104.

New 2012 technology from iPads to personal wind generators!

-New  2012  technology from iPads to personal wind generators-

GOLDEN VALLEY, Minn. - new release this month Apple iPad causing uproar among technology enthusiasts, but it was not the only reason to be excited about the future.


Dallas Dingle from Supercalibrations, Inc. specializes in high-end technology at home. A recent trip to the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is better big reveal in technology.


From the new Sharp 80-inch to 55-inch LCD Samsung OLEAD super slim with a thickness of half an inch, the technology at CES 2012 is heavy to choice of home theater.


Dingle also display a wind generator from home and Urban Green Energy from Control your technology that promises to prevent your phone (or your teenager) to be able to send a text while operating a car.


As for the iPad, Dingle said teknisinya wild about virtual desktop application called Desktop OnLive is to bring Microsoft productivity to your iPad, including the ability to play Flash, iPad features are not supported. OnLive Desktop provides virtual computer through a cloud of $ 5 per month.

return of SimCity - with an eco-conscience !

-return of SimCity  - with an eco-conscience !-

Climate change will come into SimCity. A new version of the city-building games that factor in the real world consequences of energy choices has won the support of the founder of Twitter Biz Stone and director of Academy Award winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth.

"We are updating the SimCity with current technology and the introduction of a new generation of gamers," said senior vice president, studio Maxis Lucy Bradshaw at Game Developers Conference in San Francisco this year.

"It gets under your skin, you are confronted with the idea of ​​cause and effect and that the choices you make have an impact," he said.

Millions of people have played computer games since SimCity was designed by Will Wright first issued in 1989.

Native title win, the faithful and causing extensive successful franchise of the strategy game where players manipulate the Sims world, and character animation in real-life simulation.

Sims 3 Showtime software, released in addition to the latest version of the game, allowing players to act out fantasies become famous singers, acrobats, magicians or DJ.

Expansion pack adds a number of features, including one that allows players to send their character to be playing someone else over the Internet with the ability to be called "SimPort."

While the franchise has grown, has been almost a decade since the release the latest version of SimCity for desktop or laptop computer. A team of SimCity Maxis will have a fresh title for completion in 2013, according to Bradshaw.

Along with rich 3D graphics, the game will have a new simulation engine that increase the realism and expand as a result of urban design decisions and borders to affect neighboring cities.

"In SimCity limited resources, you fight with people who struggled with the decision today in the real world and your decisions can have global impact," said Bradshaw.

"So you contaminants and eventually will affect the city of your friends ... Do you have, the richest fittest, greenest city once or SimCity, the son of a gun sludgiest laik ever?"

Maxis working on the title of the Games For Change, a group devoted to creating games that combine fun with learning about social issues.

"I love the game," said the "Inconvenient Truth" director Davis Guggenheim, who played the early version of his son.
"Climate change is the biggest crisis of our time, but have decided that not in front of us," he added.

"When you play SimCity in your face, if you build a coal power plant electricity you feel the effects - fog of smoke in the city, the water get dirty table, and the people you are angry."

Twitter founder Stone also among the early enthusiasts new SimCity, which he said was in line with new initiatives to support systems that help create "a better, smarter world and a healthy planet."

Stone left the day-to-day role in Twitter last year dedicated to the Company is clear, that it was set up with fellow Twitter founder Evan Williams and Jason Goldman.

"While I am not a gamer I understand the strength of learning to play," said Stone.

"Learn the causes and consequences and the impact you can have a very large individual or corporate ... Reviews SimCity put us in a frame of mind."

Bradshaw recorded SimCity always mixed with realism and fantasy, "until you have never heard of any giant lizards may Trundle bend and blow your building down."
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