Ways to protect your computer from new threats, fraud..

-5 Ways to protect your computer from new threats, fraud-

1) A man in the middle
Here, scammers intercepted communications.
Take your bank account via the internet, for example. You will receive an email from your bank tell you about new services being offered. Click on the link provided and enter what appears to be the bank's website. While I was there I decided to transfer £ 500 from your checking account to your savings account. Mutation of money, and you think that everything is satisfactory, periodic and log off.

In fact, you use the website and a fake created by fraudsters to trick your data transmission. The scammer is hiding there in the background watching what you do. Although the implementation of his orders to make sure he's not doing anything suspicious, without your knowledge, is also moving 500 pounds of their own country.

Lesson: be careful of phishing emails claiming to be from your bank. Remember that your bank will not ask you to provide personal data, click the link and visit the website. 
2) people in the browser

This is cheating a new and very sophisticated. Instead of going to the trouble of creating a website and a fake, a fraud and take a little more than a browser.

The scammer usually get through in computer accessories such as browser Google toolbar, for example, but could use another entry point as well. After the browser planting Trojan horses - malicious software - all you do to monitor and control the Internet session without you knowing it.

So, to return to the example of bank accounts via the Internet, while today is the interaction with Web sites, legitimate, and the scammer is able to change the information you send to your bank - and what account you want to move your money - no records.
Lesson: If your computer is running slower than usual, get it reviewed by an expert. Man in attacks on browsers are difficult to detect, but care must be taken to update your antivirus software regularly empty the cache and cookies. If you do not know how to do this, try looking at the "Options" from the menu on your computer. If you are using Internet Explorer, you could also consider moving to a more modern browser such as Chrome or Opera. 

3) abuse of logic site
These fraudsters sent to any defects or weak part of the legitimate sites on the Internet to commit fraud.
Guess the password is a classic example of this. Defraud the program to handle multiple sets of words and letters in an attempt to guess the login details.

Or perhaps deceptive attacks cost retailers page. One of the 10 numbers 16 numbers or credit card numbers, credit cards and ATM, so I found one time in the inner room, and just guessing date of expiry of the three digit security number to use the card information.
Fortunately, however, and customers, and if the cheater can guess your card details, you'll get your money back from the provider.

Monitoring: the list to select strong passwords include uppercase letters, numbers and characters, and by the way I remember that the term "hard to guess what words the individual check with your bank and card statements carefully to make sure that you have purchased any something they say he is doing .. 

4) leveling the site
This is when fraudsters copy the contents of the site on the internet.

For example, airlines spend billions of pounds to build a complex system to determine prices, which change every hour, depending on demand. The scammer can get rid of this content.

While this does not affect the company directly - although of course it is the cost of building these systems in the price customers pay for legitimate websites - It is known that the imposter "sites for a reason to get rid of crime.

In the past year alone, the work of criminal fraud and warned foreigners to make a copy of the website in the UK has failed to convince the prospective tenant to pay the money.
Monitoring: fake websites can look professional and even the use of the logo in the industry, and always check carefully that the site is legitimate. If in doubt call and ask. 

5) the machine
Bot is a robot on the Internet is controlled by a criminal.

What is the most commonly used to perform tasks at a faster rate than is humanly possible - ticket reseller, for example, used to buy concert tickets in bulk, and then sold illegally on the black market.

And can walk to infiltrate your computer through e-mail attachments and links are unreliable. Once the robot can not be handled by pressing a key on your computer and retrieve your personal data to hack their accounts.

A spam bot who send unsolicited messages to your address book is full, which, if the recipient opens them, will cause the fraudster to gain access to personal data.


Lesson: Do not open email attachments that look suspicious or people who do not know and do not click links in e-mail unless you know they are safe.

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