Proview China warns against dealers to stop selling the iPad!!

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The Chinese company against the use of the trademark by Apple iPad has called for an end to the sale and distribution equipment in China, such as Apple unveiled its latest version of the popular tablet computer.
Shenzhen Proview Technology granted the request iPad in an open letter to Chinese suppliers and distributors, and threatened "tough measures" against trademark infringement.
The letter, published in local newspapers Thursday said any use of "iPad" or similar marks is a violation of the exclusive rights of Proview. He said Proview has "the most stringent measures," including the pursuit of civil and criminal liability.
It was not clear whether the letter would have control over the iPad sellers in China. Proview, a financially troubled manufacturer of computer monitors and LED lighting, has been lobbying local authorities to attract commercial tablets iPads, successfully in some cities.
Apple today released its latest version of the iPad Wednesday in the U.S., highlighting its new features, but does not release a name, like "iPad 3" or "iPad HD."
Cupertino, Calif., says Apple, the worldwide rights to the brand of Proview iPad bought in 2009. Proview ruled out supporting the sale of the brand on the Chinese mainland. A Chinese court is considering an appeal of an earlier decision by Apple to the right on the mark.
Apple had no comment about the open letter by Proview. The company reiterated its position that Proview, China, its contract with Apple, wants to honor the worldwide rights to sell the brand iPad.
Chinese media reports, meanwhile, announced to a group of eight banks, the creditors are Proview that they beneficially own brand iPad.
Another major creditor, the Taiwan-based Fubon Insurance, is reportedly in Proview declared bankrupt. However, Proview said in a statement Wednesday to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the court in the Chinese city where it was located or does not accept a petition for bankruptcy against him.
Court officials wanted to take on the question.
Proview hand were from trading since 2 August 2010 was suspended.

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