Computing technology advances save lives!!

-Computing technology advances save lives-

Babylon, New York, March 9, 2012 (marketwire via FirstCall) - implementation of the new Faculty of the algorithm pays for the big game two games for a change and allow more patients to receive life-saving kidney transplant. The announcement came from the HIL Garet, Chief Executive Officer of the National College Registry.

The new algorithm, called SMELAC, which stands at a time and link mutually exclusive, and the chain, which is 29% - 167% more games than the previous algorithm used by the National Kidney Registry. This algorithm was developed by the National College SMELAC Registry on the Microsoft platform. NET with Microsoft technical support donated by Microsoft. The key to development, which has published several academic studies in correspondence to the kidney, and assist in the development of kidney exchange program, including Alvin Roth of Harvard University and Itai Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ashlagi other factors.

In describing the importance of this development, Microsoft's vice president of public sector services, said Wes Anderson: "It was great to be working with the College of the National Registry for the application of Microsoft technology advances to improve the lives - and even search results - Patients suffering from kidney failure." Mr. HIL: "SMELAC effort has been under development in the National Register of kidneys for about two years, and the results are much higher than our original algorithm has facilitated many transplant patients are included in addition to our program .."

He said that the expansion of the importance of the latest innovations in kidney matching algorithm, Alvin Roth, a professor at Harvard University: "Advances in algorithms, and business practices and we have come a long way in the last decade, and medical procedures have been exchanges of kidney research is promising for the growth of ideas is faster than a kidney transplant. " . Ashlagi Itai, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and added: "It became increasingly clear that long-chain, not planting can be started simultaneously with a single donor and non-directed play an important role in kidney exchange, especially for the most difficult to match patients . "

For the National College Registry National Register and is a leading kidney transplant in the swing, and make the plant more exchanges of partner organizations in the world. Registry National College is a nonprofit organization with a mission to save and improve lives of people facing kidney failure by increasing the quality and speed, and number of living donor transplants in the world.

1 comment:

  1. That show the useful benefits of new computer technology however it is also have the backpoints.


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