IPhone accessories a new winning formula with the old..

-technology-IPhone accessories a new winning formula with the old-

Retina-screen high-definition and a more powerful processor, so the highest organ to view movies and photos and e-books and applications, experts say.

He also holds the promise of better software, allowing developers more freedom in creating applications.

"With the new processor, the screen is more powerful and stunning retina at the front, can not wait to see how application developers to use Apple computers to create new content and graphics impressive," said Thomas Shambler, and editor of goods.

Although some fans of Apple iPad would love completely redesigned for the latest version, Shambler said Apple was right to stick to a winning formula.

"Because I did well for the first time, why change?" Responding to a question. "The new iPhone looks like its predecessor, the iPad 2 - but is the screen that really sets it apart.

"New iPhone as above but has a faster processor and better camera and one of the best screen of any mobile device available today What you can not ask."

In general, consumers have a disk, thumb, but there is a little disappointed that not all the features that he hoped that the new device.

"I'll see Siri Assistant votes controlled by the staff," said Imran Hussain, who lives in Dubai and a big fan of Apple. "I do not know why it did not include".

Although the features are missing, Mr. Hussein believed that the third version of the iPhone will be the most successful so far.

"There is no competition from other technology companies," he said.

The new iPhone has a screen of 2048x1536 pixels, HDTV resolution is higher than most, and dual-core processors for improved graphics A5X, future repair and 5-megapixel camera.

There is also an option to purchase a copy of the 4G motherboard that will take advantage of faster connection speeds than mobile phones.

The new device will be launched in 10 countries, including the United States and Britain, Canada, on Friday followed by 26 countries on March 23.
So far, no official release date of the United Arab Emirates.

The online store has been making preparations for the import demand of the company's UK and U.S. release day in these countries.

"We had a great interest from customers who would like to ask the system before the new company," said Sherif Radwan, Executive Director ALshop.com.
Retailers aim to achieve between 100 and 300 cases available, but prices are not known yesterday.
It will go on sale £ 400 (DH2, 317) in the UK.
Said Andy Castonguay, principal analyst at Informa Telecoms and Media in Dubai, asking for the new company will maintain Apple's dominance in the market for a tablet.

Mr. Castonguay improvement of wireless devices is the most important strategic change.

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