NEWS-Apple unveils new iPad, Apple TV Box-

NEWS-Apple unveils new iPad, Apple TV Box-

Apple released the iPhone third generation in the promotion of Wednesday, with features designed to keep the upper part of the panel's booming computer market.
New iPhone has a faster processor, and eye-grabbing decision on an equal footing with that of the iPhone 4S, and the ability to deliver the latest communications networks to 4G LTE transfer data faster than its predecessors.
"We believe that the iPhone is the poster child of post-PC world," said CEO Tim Cook, Apple, noting that sales of the iPhone beyond that of any PC maker in the last three months of last year.
"We once again to redefine the category of Apple's creation two years ago with the original iPhone," Cook said in a press conference in San Francisco, the first major release of Apple products since the death of founder Steve Jobs.
Will the new iPhone will go on sale March 16 in Canada, France, Germany and the United States in the same price as previous models, starting from $ 499 for the iPhone provides the most basic wireless connectivity.
And will the iPhone with 16 gigabytes of memory and Wi-Fi connectivity and 4G cost $ 629 on the United States, while the 32 GB model will cost Wi-Fi/4G 729 $, and the 64GB version with Wi-Fi and will cost 4G $ 829.
In an attempt to meet the needs of budget-minded buyers, and Apple sells 16GB version of the iPhone 2 to reduce the price of 399 dollars.
The presentation of the new iPhone as the best screen ever on a mobile device. Panel also features a five megapixel camera, video recording and high definition.
Apple said last model has the same 10 hours of battery life than its predecessor, with the period by about one hour with the continued use of high-performance networks, telecommunications and wireless 4G.
IPhone third generation weighs 1,4 £, which is 9.4 mm, slightly heavier and slightly thicker than the previous model.
Wing and showed apple iPhone applications enhance the functions ranging from film editing to make music or management of one's life.
A new application turns the iPhone iPhoto grinding tool for editing images with a touch of simple or automatic functions.
Joined Epic Games President Mike Capps Cook to show a copy of the video game Infinity Blade for the iPhone, saying that the quality of these games are similar to a video game console.
"It is an evolutionary improvement with a lot of features revolutionary," said Gartner analyst Michael Gartenberg. "It will put more pressure on the competitors before the iPad.
"The changes to GarageBand, iMovie, iPhoto and the new car is in the future," he said.
"At the end of the day Tim Cook will not be selling the iPhone, which will be able to sell the iPad iPhone, which will sell a lot of them," he said.
Apple Store has more than 200,000 mini-programs, or "Applications", adapted for the iPhone offers, which include books, games and programs designed to do the job.
Dominated the market since the launch of Apple inspired iPhone two years ago, and many expect that the change in the short term.
IMS Research expects Apple can increase its market share of the tablets and 70 percent in 2012 to 62 per cent in 2011 and the cases will be sent to the 70 million dollars this year, up 71 percent from the previous year.
"Apple's insistence on innovation hardware mixing innovation with service pack will keep the iPhone in front of the disks in the foreseeable future," said Forrester analyst Sarah Rotman Epps.
Will apple stores in the real world would be a "critical" of high-definition screen is a significant improvement in the Bad, and must be seen to be appreciated, according to Gartner analyst Van Baker.
"It's incredibly beautiful, but people are going to have to put yourself in their hands for this," said Baker.
A new version of the function is set to be a stumbling block to ask for the company, because this type of technology has proved a nightmare for other companies, according to independent analyst Rob Enderle of Silicon Valley.
Tool maker based in California on Wednesday also issued an updated version of Apple TV box is used to play movies, TV shows and other content from the Internet to HDTVs.
New box has a new user interface and improved $ 99 will sell the same price as the previous model.
Apple TV syncs with icloud, online storage service that allows people to purchase content movies or TV shows in the penalty area, but have the option of display devices iPhone, and cases, iPod Touch, or equipment.
Apple released the first version of Apple in 2007, but has not captured the attention of the public.
The event was the iPad from Apple product launch 2 Cook since he took to work, and both events showed improved versions of their products.
"Let's wait and see if you can check Apple's new product category that the market is amazing," said Baker. "Ultimately, they have to do it."
It seemed investors were surprised by Apple's ads, where the company's share price rose slowly, slowly, to $ 531.05 per share in trading on the Nasdaq.

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