New Tablet: there is no revolution yet, but Apple TV is on the road..

-New Tablet: there is no revolution yet, but Apple TV is on the road-

IPad3 launch Wednesday with the broader purpose of introducing improved tablet. That is Apple's most coherent effort yet to tie the family of the screen closer together, in a way that lays the foundation for the world's largest technology companies to interfere with the most important entertainment in the world media - broadcasting.

Tim Cook introduced the concept of "post-PC era". With increasing number of tablet computers, smartphones, the humble desktop computer is no longer the center of our digital world. All we have to be a computer screen, and the revolution that is coming to television sets.
A quarter of TV sets sold today have an internet connection.

Apple has not revealed its own TV, own quite happy today with an upgrade to its set-top box, known as Apple TV, which has been sold for several years now, but hook up to a screen that is the Apple-made screen.
Several improvements to Apple TV and iPad3 is about preparing the event.
The first is high definition. Real HD set has 1080 lines of vertical resolution. Resolution of the Apple TV has been improved, from 720p to 1080p. The 3 iPad will be able to take 1080p video and photos.

The second is an extension of service iCloud storage media. This store purchased content from iTunes, or upload from your PC, the Apple server. Profit is that your library of photos, videos and music available at all Apple devices, from phones to television sets.

This service is already storing pictures, TV shows and music. From today also store films purchased on the iTunes store.

Other technologies that bind us already knew about are Airplay, including the latest Apple operating system. This stream photos from PC, phone or tablet to the TV.

Apple devices increasingly able to produce and share high-definition content, the type of material that looks good on the largest screen in the living room.

Apple TV is a rare misfire, come to the market in 2007 and has sold more than 4 million units. IPads trivial compared with 55 in two years. After the latest upgrade, Apple TV can now be seen as a device to sleep, a little vision of the manufacturer for re-publication of findings, and test-bed for bigger things to come.

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