199 $ FXI cotton candy is the youngest latest technology team in the world!

-latest technology 2012-

Had $ 199 FXI chocolate cotton is natural that the computer in the world in terms of the contract '

Strawberry me not only in the size of a finger, and flavored snack or laptop computer around. Nightmare, in fact, perhaps not only to get to this week. States that if he was really a real opportunity, or even attempt to ride the level of popular raspberry me, however, FXI preorders systems have been opened because of the way "cotton candy", and is used in the same place or room as payment devices has the kind of computer-based Armenia to the full.

This provides a moratorium for the brand 1.2 GHz dual-core Cortex A9 equipment contains a 1 - GHz quad-core Mali -400 left arm GPU, 1 GB of RAM-related, and support of about 64 GB hard disk that is linked to a slot machine card SD. Contact has 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi, wireless EDR 2.1, Multimedia Interface High-Definition 0.1 with the music, as well as a couple of USB. 0 (small). It comes pre-installed with your choice of two operating system Android. 3 or more of the ginger, flour and candy several.1 foreign direct investment.

While some buyers express their fascination with pocket-sized computer's USB, and a number of people who are not positive exactly how to deal with one, and therefore, FXI provides a few examples of the use of organic cotton chocolate. Can be expanded to improve intelligence within your HDMI / USB-equipped exhibition, set-top container or system, allowing easy access to application-rich atmosphere. This could also be in the atmosphere is not for another year when you use a computer system.

Review evidence on the strong technological innovation that comes from November this yearBerries as private detective, and the process aims to FXI a video clip of about 1080 in conjunction with models and channels of media common, so it is worth HTPC. Having said that, while the actual Raspberry Pi is for lovers of home, and this cotton candy is supposed to be organic, in fact the black solution business, in addition to FXI will be charged as well. And educators are currently being developed at $ 199 (private detective strawberries will be $ 25 $ 35 to help with a form), in addition to the function can be sent in April.

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