Apple to add jobs in 3600 and the new campus of Texas $ 304M..

-apple jobs-

Austin, Texas - Apple is investing $ 304 million in new campus and more than double its workforce in the capital of Texas, driven by an incentive of $ 21 million from the State Fund aims to attract high tech companies, said Gov. Rick Perry on Friday.

Unlike Perry said Texas Enterprise Fund and comes in return for a promise that Apple will add more than 3,600 employees in the new facilities in Austin in the next decade, including customer service and sales, personnel, accounting, and.

"Investments such as the potential of this more than the state of Texas to become the country's high-tech center," said the governor said in a statement.

Since the most valuable companies in the world, exceeded the market value of Apple's $ 500 billion this month, and remain above that mark - in the rarefied air that only a small number of companies, including Microsoft rival, Exxon Mobil, and overcome them.

"Our operations in Austin has grown dramatically over the past decade, from less than 1,000 employees in 2004 to more than 3500 today," said Steve Dowling, a spokesman for the company in California, Cupertino.

This week, the new Apple iPhone, with the screen more clearly and faster processing chip, but the features and added: Tablet PC is a bit thicker and heavier than its predecessor 0.2 iPhone

Fund Corporation is one of two designed to attract technology companies and top researchers from Texas. Perry said that earnings from Apple is one of the largest and the work of the company is one of the most ambitious since the establishment of the Fund in 2003. He said the fund has invested more than 443400000 dollars, and has signed contracts to create 62,000 new jobs and more than $ 15.4 billion in capital investments.

Tea Party activists and other critics of the use of state funds to attract private sector companies to finance call an example of "crony capitalism", complains that taxpayers' money to the entrances of political connections with insurance companies little job creation. The governor's office says companies that do not meet the objectives of the work can be re-negotiate the terms of agreements with the State, but must pay fines and known as the "claw back".

A report published in November by a group of Texas control the general policy of justice and found that companies that receive money from the Fund of the Foundation of Texas to create 22,349 jobs by the end of 2010, or about 37 percent of jobs 59,100 and said the governor's office, participating companies had promised to creation of the summer of 2010.

Perry's office said only that measures the earnings of the Fund - and not year after year, or by individual contract and conditions of individual settlements change as re-negotiated. Under this measure, and beneficiaries of the grant promised to create 23,410 jobs by the end of 2010 and exceeded expectations through the provision of 33,400.

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