Raspberry Pi released Linux distribution, but the computer $ 35 face new delay!

-Raspberry Pi released Linux distribution, but the computer $ 35 face new delay-

Raspberry Foundation suffered a setback that could delay delivery of the implementation of production equipment for Linux $ 35. Manufacturers are used by mistake and without magnetic Ethernet connections are integrated, integrated transformers that provide isolation DC-and help filter noise.

The tape is welded plate raspberry, and should be discarded and replaced before they shipped the product to end users. According to the principles and the Ethernet jack is relatively easy to replace. The problem is that the provision of adequate and Ethernet connections right may take some time. This is the second time in my project Raspberry been slightly delayed due to difficulties in procuring components.

"A complete inventory of the shots we thought we should be in place and ready to make your Ethernet port berry Law and Justice party can not be part of the right, so we'll have to start from scratch and move through the cycle of negotiation / order / shipment as soon as we can, "Representatives of the agencies said in a statement posted on the blog for the organization.

The Foundation says find a problem with the Ethernet jack for a few days, but he waited until now to reveal that they want to make sure no other problems. Apologized to the Organization for the delay, and asked his client was willing to remain patient while this issue is resolved.

Formed originally in my Raspberry Foundation to build a low cost computer for young students to use to learn computer programming. As the project matures, exploded in popularity, and which attracted the attention of many fans of Linux embedded systems. Went the first model, which sells for $ 35, to the manufacturing stage last month. And flooded the retail partners from the ground up with demand when the product is available for purchase in the past week.

My team is the Council Raspberry bare arm is about the size of a deck of cards. Has a 700 MHz ARM11 CPU and 256 MB of RAM. It will boot from the SD card with his wife, who can compete with smart phones mentioned. The industry's first term was 10,000, what the fans are very enthusiastic to be used in projects ranging from mobile computing experience to build a small set-top box multimedia.

Along with the official commercial launch, Raspberry Foundation announced that in partnership with manufacturers and component Premier Farnell RS Components UK. These companies are looking to make sales for the first installment, but will be responsible for their own production after 100.001 units sold. Foundation has chosen to go to a licensed manufacturer model to ensure that eventually there will be enough units to meet demand.

In addition to the disclosure of the delay, and raspberries B Foundation also announced the existence of a special building that is suitable for Fedora to run on your computer my raspberry. Distribution, called Raspberry my Fedora Remix, and provide a full computing environment of the ARM is relatively inexpensive. This is a Linux distribution that institution recommended for use on my raspberry devices.

Has developed a software platform, based on open source Linux distribution Fedora by a team at Seneca College Open Technology Development Center. It is well known in the school, located in Toronto, in open source software community for their participation in various projects, including a commitment to Web searches related to Mozilla.

Director raspberry Upton Foundation and the show I said in an interview with the Journal of Linux users and developers, and the latest version of the Ubuntu distribution of popularity of the device does not work, because Ubuntu does not support ARMv6 structure, which is used in one of the ARM11 CPU Board berry. Focuses on the ARM port of Ubuntu, ARMv7 architecture used by the ARM Cortex-class.

Fedora Remix Raspberry B gives the user the option to use XFCE or LXDE. It also comes with a web browser Firefox, and GIMP image editing tools, GNOME Office suite, and a number of software components to enable the development of the device, including the execution times of Python, Perl and Ruby.

In addition, rich pile to a certain extent, users also get an ARM-compatible package for additional repositories Fedora. Distribution are also several groups of elements necessary to enable all functions of the Council, such as hardware acceleration of video processing.

Can be found further details on how to download and install Fedora on my blog raspberry Love from the bottom up.

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