Review: Bad more beautiful qualities retains the familiar

-Review: Bad more beautiful qualities retains the familiar-

San Francisco, "We have grown attached to my 2 Bad for the nine months ago. So I was curious if I would like Tablet PC is the less time I saw a new and improved iPad from Apple.
Referee: I will not leave me behind Bad 2 for more sex any time soon.

Although the last tempting Apple can turn some heads, and the new iPhone does not differ radically from the last model year, based on the 15 minutes I could go with a kneading machine on the product Wednesday that the company release.
If you do not already own a Tablet PC, and you want one, you'll be hard to resist the new iPhone, if you can afford. The device, which goes on sale March 16 in the United States and Canada and 10 other countries, and sell for $ 499 to $ 829. If you want to save some money, look at the iPhone 2, Apple will continue to make and sell for as low as $ 399.

Quality of supply great new Bad provide the main attraction. And display a higher resolution is called "supply network" makes everything from holiday photos with text in a web page look more pronounced. According to accounts by Apple, the new iPhone offers four times the resolution of its predecessor.
For this reason, it is likely to buy a new iPhone if you shutterbug, a fan of video game or someone who likes to watch movies on the small screen, but delicious.
Within minutes of seeing proved the film "Hugo" to be brighter in the new iPhone than it was in my 52-inch flat screen TV in the house. Apple says that this should be a routine test, since the new iPhone can hold about 1 million pixels even the best HDTVs on the market.
Video games are more realistic, thanks in part to the quad-core processors in the graphics require the new company.

On the negative side, and it seemed granules video on YouTube of old even the highest resolution screen of the iPhone. It reminded me a bit what happens when you accidentally run on a standard television channel on my HDTV.
While images can be very great, and I am not convinced it's a good reason enough for most people to replace the iPhone for the last

When looking only at a few pictures of some recent trips to Kauai, Pittsburgh, which you have stored in Bad B-2, and I do not look forward to see what it will look like the pictures on your new iPad. I also saw a few minutes of "lost in translation" in 2 My Bad without wondering what would Scarlett Johansson as if I was watching the same movie on the new iPhone.
In short: nothing close to the content you have on 2 Bad be clear until after seeing something on the iPad again. More importantly, the other joint activities, such as Internet browsing Bad, and check e-mail and move on to Facebook or Twitter, it seems to work the same in any new model or old.

New iPhone includes an interesting feature that I wish that I tried. There is a microphone icon for the new iPhone virtual keyboard that can be pressed to dictate emails or other notes on the device. Just say a few sentences and the new iPhone is supposed to write what I said automatically. Unfortunately, the room was that Apple allowed to ask journalists to experiment with the new company on Wednesday is very strong for a particular job to work effectively.

Apparently, however, that even in a new dictation tool may leave some people yearning for something more than that. Just consider how many requests the new company will be more attractive if Apple has added Serie A, the automated attendant staff and one of the most popular features in the latest iPhone.

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