while it's down,New Apple iPad kicks PC industry..

-while it's down New Apple iPad kicks PC industry-

With the opening of the new Apple iPad on Wednesday, PC makers should accelerate efforts to protect the tablet from taking a piece of their business.
Several top players have been struggling PC.

Hewlett-Packard, the world's largest PC maker, saw its profits plunge in first quarter of fiscal 2012 as customers, and even companies, have a closer look at change or add a tablet PC with a cold.
Now Apple has raised its stake in the new iteration of the world's most popular tablet.

"This Tablet PC and the company cut selling PC really will not have a strong response to Windows 8 ships this year. So they have every reason to be concerned," said Rob Enderle, an analyst at the Enderle Group.

"[Tablet] clearly had a sharp effect on [PC] growth. Although they do not really replace the PC, people who buy the iPad usually defer buying a new PC, and more frightening. Is that when they buy, they seem to trend towards Apple products, "Enderle added.

During the opening ceremony Wednesday in San Francisco, Apple's office says the new iPad will be much faster than its predecessor and has a higher screen resolution.

PC makers like HP, Dell and Lenovo should be drooling with envy on good products and purchase advance fever that comes before and after the event yesterday.

PC market can use the shot in the arm as PC growth continued to slow down. In the third quarter of 2011, for example, the overall PC market grew by only 5.5%, according to a report from iSuppli IHS.

HP PC collected during the fall and selling printer last month revealed that the gains anjlok 44% in the quarter ended January 31, and Dell says first quarter profit declined by 18%.

Industry analysts say it will take much work for HP to get back to the center. "The tablet is part of the pain but only a small part of HP," said Charles King, an analyst at the pund-IT, Inc. "Two plus years of chaos in the leadership is a more fundamental problem."

While analysts generally agree that most of the HP wounds inflicted, the popularity of the tablet like the iPad will not help the leader PC or convince its traditional rival to refocus on the laptop and desktop computers.

"Tablet PCs are influential in business, sure, but mainly not clear at all," said Dan Olds, an analyst at Gabriel Co., Ltd.. "For most consumers iPad, iPad not only their computing devices.

"IPad is a new category," added Olds. "This is more than a smartphone but not enough this laptop can not handle the same duties as full-featured laptop. But for many it is a perfect tool."

Although the tablet can not completely replace full-featured laptop with a larger screen, more power and a full size keyboard, they will interfere with users' attention and money from a business PC, Olds said.

The new Intel-based Ultrabooks appearing en masse in the Consumer Electronics Show earlier this year is a potential response to the tablet, Olds notes.

"I think Ultrabook effort is a step in the right direction," said Olds.

"The system offers many advantages iPad -. Small size, fast boot time, and long-lasting battery They also have features that iPads not, like the ability to use a large number of x86 PC software and the ability to store more files on your local system , "he added.

"For business users," Olds said, "The addition of a normal keyboard usually also seen as an advantage. Primary obstacle to Ultrabooks possible prices, which hover near U.S. $ 1,000."

Ultrabooks also a problem for PC makers. Although they may attack the tablet market, they can also cannibalize laptop.

The analysts noted that PC makers will have to compete aggressively with tablet makers to build a lightweight mobile devices is very strong, can run the most demanding consumer software, and offers long-lasting battery.

"Mobility seems to be a major driving force in the PC and notebook development, so the lightweight, powerful machine equipped with a next-gen Intel and AMD CPU will remain constant," said King.

"Touch-screen technology in concert with the Microsoft Windows 8 may be a game-changer and all in all., 2012 and 2013 are formed to be an exciting year for the PC," added King.

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